Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opening Statement: The Negative View of Stem Cell Research- Group Name: The Straight Shooters

(This picture says, "In order for research to begin there has to be life. Stem Cell Research KILLS!")

Stem Cell Research is wrong for many reasons including issues of morality and false prediction. Many say that by using this type of experiment we are "playing God" and creating life that isn't ours to create- this for some people, including us is unacceptable. Others use the research to "help" certian individuals, only to take an huge sum of money from them before they die, which for us, completely hits home as an immoral situation. On the other hand, scientifically speaking, since this type of experiement is relativly new there is no indication of what the long term effects may be or how they will ultimatly help or limit the patient. In reguards to the destruction of the blastocyt which is a labrotory fertilized human egg seems to be, for many pro-lifers, the murder of human life. One of the experiements done recently on heart patients concluded by making the coronery arteries narrower, which most certianly doesn't seem like a plus for our human anatomy. Since stem cells derive from embryos that are not the patients own they may in return reject them making the whole process a waste of time, creating a false sense of hope for someone who needed a miracle to survive. For the purpose of this debate there will be three speakers to follow, all with the intentions to explain to you just why this type of research carries such a negative outlook.

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