Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pro closing

Due to an obligation for the next two days I will not be able to wait for the other side to post their closing before I post our sides closing. I do apologize for presenting out of turn but i do not wish to hurt my group because of my plans.

Embryos still provide the best source of stem cells which can cover more cell types. Most families that seek in vitro fertilization have left over embryos kept in cold storage that they will never be used. These embryos could be used without the risk of damage to any embryo that would become a child. Even without embryos there are other less invasive methods of collecting other kinds of stem cells. With the ever growing number of cases that can be helped by this research, the need has become too great to ban all aspects because some raise ethical questions.

Pro Point 5: I Want Your Blood

Cord blood is rich in stem cells and would only require consent to obtain. Cord Blood is obtained from the umbilical cord after it has been attached to a newborn child. This will not hurt the mother or the child during the process of obtaining the cord blood. A main benefit of using cord blood is that they will be the perfect match for all the related family members if they had to be used. Also, cord blood can be cryogenically stored for future use. Cord blood is thought to hold great promise in regenerative science. This includes cardiovascular repair, Type 1 diabetes and brain repairs.


Pro Point 4: Progess in Medicine

Stem Cell research has been used experimentally on many diseases to great success. One example of this is a 1978 haematopoietic stem cell bone marrow transplant between twins that cured severe combined immunodeficiency. In 1997, researchers found a possible cure for Leukemia when they discover that haematopoietic stem cells were the cause of the cancer cells. As recently as 2006, English scientists were able to create an artificial liver using nothing but umbilical cord blood stem cells. These examples show the results of stem cell research have been paying off and the results have been trending upward. Some diseases and ailments that stem cells could help are Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease; heart diseases, strokes, Type 1 Diabetes, Spinal Cord injuries, damaged or destroyed organs, some forms of cancer and could possibly lower the risk of organ transplantation.


Pro Point 3: IPSC's

The most promising source of stem cells are induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSC). IPSC’s are promising because they can be created from blood, cord blood, skin and other tissues. They are considered induced pluripotent because researchers have been able to take multipotent cells, which have a specialized function, and “induce” the pluripotent properties similar to embryonic stem cells. While clinical studies in animals are promising, they have been known to create cancer-causing oncogenes or retroviruses. More research is needed in this field but bans on stem cell research could prevent this.


Pro Point 2: Alternative To Embryonic Stem Cells

Stem cells can also be gathered from neural, umbilical and amniotic fluids. The neural stem cells can be harvested from the brains of the recently deceased. Another source of stem cells can be found in umbilical cords, placentas and amniotic fluid. These cells can be gathered harmlessly from pregnant individuals with minimal invasiveness. They can then be stored cryogenically for later use. Finally, adult stem cells can be obtained from bone marrow. While this process is destructive to the individual’s bone marrow, it offers the benefit of full compatibility with that individual.

Pro Point 1: Stem Cell Research Does Not Equal Loss of Life

The use of stem cells for scientific research does not necessarily mean a life is destroyed. For instance, embryonic stem cells double their cell count every two to four days. Existing embryonic cells could be used to sustain current research. There are also other types of stem cells. These types include neural, umbilical and amniotic stem cells. These stem cells can come from consenting patients.

Source: The National Institute for Health